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After years of not going on a retreat or taking time off to focus on my practice, self care, and overall rest, Bibi's Ibiza retreat was exactly what I needed. In true honor of her personality and spirit, there was a strong yet gentle energy to the whole experience. Not so early morning practice to kindle the fire element within, followed by a wholesome vegan brunch and a full day of R&R at the most beautiful beaches in the world. Thoughtful restorative and sutra study in the evenings to unwind and settle the energy for dinner and rest. The group was fantastic, the meals were out of this world, and having Bibi to guide us through it all was priceless. Cherry on top: the Mediterranean summer sunsets and Bibi's son Indie in his true nature constantly reminding us to not take life so seriously and just let ourselves flow. Can't wait for 2023 retreat!


Working with Bibi

"Her earnest wish to help us progress our practice, no matter where we are starting from or what our physical fitness level is. I don't feel like one of many students (I feel like she "gets" each of us and helps us all individually reach our different goals)"Nicaragua 2018


"I love Bibi's workshops which teach us the "history and meaning" of yoga and how it relates to all aspects of life in general but also how it relates to our own experiences and lives (she encourages us to share or at least write down our feelings/thoughts). This is something most people don't get from typical yoga classes, and it's really holistic and enriching and inspires me to keep practicing and learning" Nicaragua 2018


"I appreciate the time Bibi took in getting to know my body.  Bibi’s attention to detail is impeccable, which had myriad benefits on my practice as it deepened, matured and evolved over time." Mallorca 2016


" Bibi is a super talented, deep practitioner and teacher of ashtanga."

"Bibi is a kind but firm teacher who has a profound understanding of the mechanics of the practice so her adjustments are confident, careful and well perfect!" Mallorca 2016 & 2018


"Bibi is a very generous, knowledgeable teacher who encourages her students to create a personal goal for the retreat and the time after, she helped us facing certain fears and helped each of us to overcome those fears. I liked how Bibi created guidelines for her students to bring the ashtanga practice "off the matt” into the daily life of each student."

Italy 2017 & Mallorca 2018

About the Retreats

"I was nervous about being a beginner among experienced ashtanga practitioners and traveling solo at first, but Bibi made both experienced and beginners feel at ease with her staggered classes (experienced yogis starting earlier with beginners coming in later) which also enabled her to give us all some one-on-one attention. All of the retreat goers were really nice and friendly and interesting which made the retreat all the more enjoyable, too." Nicaragua 2018


"I made great friends during the retreat and can't thank Bibi enough for this unexpected takeaway." Nicaragua 2018


"I love the locations that Bibi chooses (not only are they beautiful and located in bucket-list cities/countries, but they are distinctly intentional-environmentally/socially aware and compliment her teachings-aka they are not just cookie-cutter courses repeated in Instagram-worthy locations" Italy 2017


"I've never eaten raw or vegan for such an extended period of time but it was great and now I know I can do it." Mallorca 2018


"I also liked how each day was also structured in daily Mysore practice and additional workshops (meditation, nutrition…) as well as voluntary group leisure time" Italy 2017 & Mallorca 2018


"the yoga retreats with Bibi gave me enough discipline and self- motivation to continue practicing (even for myself) on a very regular basis." Mallorca 2018


 I have to admit, I was a little apprehensive about the cost, the long flight, etc... but I had trust in Bibi that this would be an experience that would last and permeate into my life thereafter. Bibi brought together a truly incredible group of individuals, including professional vegan chef Ruth Muller from Mallorca who made the most beautiful and delicious plant-based food I have had the pleasure to eat. We spent our mornings together having tea (I went for some sunrise runs as well) followed by a Mysore style practice that brought so much energy and growth. I made many breakthroughs with my practice and I have to say my body never felt so good for as long as I can remember. My chronic back and hamstring pains dissolved (I had a previous hamstring injury requiring surgery about a decade earlier). I once again saw the power of dedicated practice."

How Did the Themes Impact You?

"I try to live my life more intentionally now. Before the retreat, my schedule was full of things to do and those things were very varied, a bit overwhelming and quite random; but now I am selective about what I choose to do and why, and I don't fill up my calendar because I don't want to get lost in the abyss of crazy NYC life so I take better care of myself and my sanity now."Nicaragua 2018


" I deeply valued all of Bibi’s time dedicated to off-the-mat improvements, such as a better diet and more mindfulness. These two aspects, and so much else, constantly influence my future self." Mallorca 2016 & Italy 2017


"Bibi works hard to engage diverse audiences in learning about the practice and the underlying philosophy of ashtanga yoga. I am always struck by her confidence and her humility. She shared very personal stories that exposed both a vulnerability and wisdom beyond her age." Mallorca 2016 & 2018


"Bibi's stories about her own path of learning were extremely inspiring.It made me a little bit more patient with my own goals. It encouraged me to not give up and to continue practicing even if I am traveling and don't have a daily routine." Italy 2017 & Mallorca 2018


What Impact Have Our Retreats Had On Your Yoga Practice?

"I didn't have a practice before, and now I want to study and practice ashtanga (which I've never done before Bibi's retreat). I'm invigorated to start again and pursue a lifelong practice" Nicaragua 2018


" I have the privilege of working with Bibi on a weekly basis so going on retreats with her is akin to rocket fuel for my practice!" Mallorca 2016 & Italy 2017


"Practicing daily is a wish for me in my everyday life and the retreat allowed me to be in that wish. It was glorious." Mallorca 2018


"Additionally, the retreat with Bibi made me very much self-aware of me being in life, being in a social group and being with myself. The retreat was also focusing on nutrition; a vegan diet, which was really good (though I missed fish, which is usually a big component of my diet."

Italy 2017 & Mallorca 2018

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How Did the Retreat Help You? Have You Experienced a Transformation? 

"sore but definitely got a good work out physically, mentally and emotionally. The Nicaragua retreat definitely changed my perspective and outlook on life (I am more relaxed, focused, keen to improve myself & my practice, have healthier eating habits, and am happier overall)." Nicaragua 2018


"Being on retreats with Bibi deepened my practice, specifically in seated postures. Bibi takes the time to work with every student - as if they are the only ones in the room - and makes it known to wait for her if you’re having trouble with a specific posture. Her patience is endless and, undoubtedly, helped shape, mold, and transcend my daily practice.


Additionally, Bibi is always pushing me to build my practice by adding postures (when appropriate), which helps expand my body and mind. I then carry this belief off the mat, two mantras that are helping me evolve into the person I’m destined to become.


Lastly, when I get frustrated because I can’t get my body to do what I want, Bibi calmly reminds me to relax and reiterates her belief that “we are all beginners.”  What a great maxim for life." Student in NYC, Mallorca 2016 & Italy 2017


"I have struggled to practice since I returned from the retreat because of all the routine and unanticipated intrusions of life so mostly I miss it and practicing with Bibi! I look forward to finding the strength and discipline to return." Mallorca 2016 & 2018


"After the retreat I was able to keep a regular practice even though I was traveling intensely Bibi motivated me to find an Ashtanga Yoga studio everywhere I went, which I did." Italy 2017 & Mallorca 2018

"Beyond the physical, it was so special to hold space with the others in the group to dive into topics that Bibi covered during our afternoon teachings. We carried these conversations into the rest of our day and it was so refreshing to talk openly and deeply about topics of substance. I left the retreat feeling renewed and filled with light and energy. We are already looking for our next opportunity for retreat, or perhaps I'll call it 'immersion'".

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