Flourless Vegan Black Bean Brownies
1 3/4 cups black beans 2 flax eggs (2 Tbsp ground flaxseed + 6 Tbsp water) 3 Tbsp melted coconut oil 3/4 cup cocoa powder 1/4 tsp sea...
Moving through
If you go through the pain, move through the struggle, breakthrough a mental barrier, you find the space within where patience,...
Ins and outs of yoga
I often find myself looking in the direction of where I am headed, and forget to be in the embodied experience of the now. Does this...
Ashtanga & Pregnancy
Answers to questions asked by students on the path of getting pregnant... Do you hold your bandha tight or slightly? Bandhas are a...
Tips on pregnancy and practice
Do you hold your bandha tight or slightly? Bandhas are a wonderful tool to bring circulation and awareness to the pelvic and lower...
Healthy Ramen
Serves 3 or 4 people 4 cups water 1 cup chopped bock choy ½ carrot, julienned 2 thinly sliced green onions 6 shitake mushroom sliced 1...