The freedom to choose
Dear Friends, I’ve been thinking about the repercussions this election will have on our lives. At the beginning I felt overwhelmed. As...
Practice is the Guru
Practice is meant to unveil our inner knowledge by lifting the veil of ignorance, brought about by misperception of reality due to ego...
Time to question our values
On Wednesday night, I really wanted to go into the streets and protest. I felt the need to be in the crowds with the rest of the people...
Yoga is a “re- patterning” practice. We use asana to change the way the body balances itself, by accessing and freeing up the flow of...
Circle back
Viveka is the capacity to make distinctions. It is our discernment, our ability to perceive what is happening within us and differentiate...
Not Attached
What attitude do you bring to the mat? What do you step away from the mat with? Over the years, I've observed myself come to the mat with...